Thursday, October 29, 2009

Episode 16: Halloween, Viking style

Url: I'm dressing up as a ghost, you pick something else.
Earl: No, you pick something else.

Earl: Smile for the camera you copycat.

Earl and Url went trick or treating around the office. They even went to Dwight's house. Dwight thinks, "Ghosts... how original."

Url: Pat hit the jack pot!
Earl: All I got was a rock.....

Later that night Dwight tries on Earl's costume.
Dwight thinks, "Ooooooh, look at me... I'm a ghost, I'm so scary...."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Episode 15: Tape Walking

Url: Steady... Cut it right here.


Url: ... and now put this piece on your other boot..

Earl: (in song) Look at what's happening to me... I can't believe it myself..
Url: Stop singing!

Earl: Look Ma! No hands!

The next day another office policy memo came out: Mis-uses of office supplies are strictly prohibited, including applying tape to personal items for stunts. Offenders will be stripped of their right to choose one office supply item per year (less than $5.00).

Friday, October 9, 2009

Episode 14: Asleep on the job

Earl: Zzzzzzzz.....

After spending the morning reading his GI Joe comic book, Earl fell asleep on the job.

He dreams about the Joes doing their training sessions...

Dwight? What's Dwight doing in the dream?

Url: I warned you about eating that pickled herring club sandwich for lunch!
Earl: Uhhhhhhgggghhhhh... ((--belch--))

Special thanks to our newest design member "Mark" for contributing his time, creativity and toys :)